Welcome To My Life

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Monday, 15 March 2010

Thought in my MinD while eating my mEe

1) If you plan to fail, you fail to plan.

2) Worry about what is going to happen had the chance to change what is going to happen for Worry about what had happened and over.

3)If you want to enjoy life, you gotta work for it. We sinned, God cast out man from Eden to work the soil.

4) I'm afraid that you rely on me too much until you dont's have the sense of survival.

5) I may be bad this moment, that's just what I am and tell me about your thought briefly in details. No one is perfect after all.

6) Falling in Love is easy, but how long can you endure the fall? Its like buying a car, you need to take care / maintain of it so it will be long lasting to keep you running.

7)Pray while you can. Praying is like exam, exam is like Jesus arrival! Last Minute preparation? or pray continuously? Choose your choice wisely.

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