Welcome To My Life

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Friday, 21 August 2009

3 years.

3 years of sweetness & bitterness, with full of life experience with my loved one. Know her from stranger till we become good friend, then the relationship slowly evolve into life time partner, which we need each other in our daily needs. With some argument along the path, things does not turn out bad, but rather strengthen and foster our relationship. There is time where she would give me advice, and there is time where she would burst into tears.

There is one important lesson all these years for me, it is easy for you to fall in love to someone that you had being dreaming of, but what makes it hard is the on going process to support each other in times of needs and suffering. It is very easy to couple with someone, but it is hard to maintain the relationship, especially when you reach to a point that you found out you are on the wrong path.

Missed IYF yesterday as I overslept. Relationship with Jesus is what I need to foster also. My heart is still at the border line, where there is times I'm blunt in making decision.

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